Stump Removal Service
"Stump removal" is the process of using specialized equipment to grind the stump below ground level. A stump left behind in the landscape after a tree has been removed can be an eye-sore and often troublesome...
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As Alex Shigo says "Pruning is one of the best things an arborist can do for a tree but one of the worst things we can do to a tree." Pruning is a double edged sword, either helping or hurting, depending on where, when,...
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Emergency Work
Unfortunately, trees can break and fail causing considerable damage to home and property. During storms, heavy loads are applied to trees which can cause failure at weak unions and areas of decay. Even a healthy tree can succumb to...
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Thanks for surfing our site! Trees+ is a full service tree care company serving the Durham Region. We value your business and work hard to keep our clients happy. If you are interested in any of our services, please call or e-mail us to discuss your specific needs.Thanks again for visiting!

Contact Us

  • Address: 15 Price St.
  • Location: Brooklin, ON
  • Phone: (905)424-9800
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